model = "spin" 
M = 1 # S=1/2 
Jz = -1.0 # coupling constant, negative for AF 
Jxy = -1.0 # coupling constant, negative for AF 
h = 0.0 # magnetic field 
lattice = "hypercubic" # hypercubic, periodic 
dim = 1 # dimension 
L = 2 # number of sites along each direction 
bc = false # open boundary 
beta = 100 # inverse temperature 
nset = 5 # set of Monte Carlo sweeps 
npre = 10 # MCSteps to estimate hyperparameter 
ntherm = 10 # MCSweeps for thermalization 
nmcs = 100 # MCSweeps for measurement 
seed = 31415 # seed of RNG


make latexpdf


pip konishi


rm -rf konishi