A solver program for two dimensional quantum lattice model based on a projected entangled pair state wavefunction and the corner transfer matrix renormalization group method.
This works on a massively parallel machine because tensor operations are OpenMP/MPI parallelized.


Official Page: http://www.pasums.issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/tenes/en 

GitHub: https://github.com/issp-center-dev/TeNeS

MateriApps: https://ma.issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/app/2291

Installed latest version

2.0.0 (2023/11/17)

How to use TeNeS on the ISSP supercomputer 

  • In the following, replace $MA_ROOT with the following path
    • SystemB
      • /home/issp/materiapps/oneapi_compiler_classic-2023.0.0--openmpi-4.1.5
    • SystemC
      • /home/issp/materiapps/PrgEnv-intel_8.3.3
  • The directory where TeNeS is installed.
    • $MA_ROOT/tenes/
  • The directory where the execution file of TeNeS is installed.
    • $MA_ROOT/tenes/tenes-2.0.0-0/bin/
      (*) The build option can be checked by typing the following command:
      $ less $MA_ROOT/tenes/tenes-2.0.0-0.log .
  • The directory where sample scripts and input files are stored
    • $MA_ROOT/tenes/tenes-2.0.0-0/sample/
  • How to run TeNeS (ex. Calculation on square lattice Heisenberg model)
    1. Preparing the computing environments 
      $ source $MA_ROOT/tenes/tenesvars.sh
      This will pass the PATH to the binary files of the latest version of TeNeS. It also stores the path to the TeNeS installation directory in the environment variable TENES_ROOT
    2. Preparing input files
      $ cp -rf $TENES_ROOT/sample/02_AFH_square .
      $ cd 02_AFH_square
    3. Submitting job
      A sample script is available in /home/issp/materiapps/intel/tenes/sample_jobscript/. Copy the script to the current folder and submit the job.
      $ cp /home/issp/materiapps/intel/tenes/sample_jobscript/tenes.sh . 
      # SystemB
      $ sbatch tenes.sh
      # SystemC
      $ qsub tenes.sh 
    4.  Check the results
      Check if density.dat, onesite_obs.dat, twosite_obs.dat, etc. are output in the output folder (refer to the TeNeS manual for details on output files).

Measurement of the number of times used

  • We measure the number of uses of PASUMS software on the ISSP supercomputer. This becomes an important indicator for evaluating the significance of the project, and we appreciate your cooperation. We can also count the number of users who use versions of the software that are not pre-installed, so we would appreciate your cooperation in counting the number of users to help us understand how the software is being used (for details, please click here). If you do not wish to measure utilization when using pre-installed software, please select tenes_nocount as the executable file.


  • How to use TeNeS (e.g., create inputs), functions, etc.
  • How to Execute on ISSP Supercomputer System
    Software Consultation Service for ISSP Supercomputer
    center-apps__at__issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp (please replace __at__ by @)