
  • Python 3.x
  • numpy module
  • scipy module
  • requests module
  • tomli module

How to download and install

You can obtain source package of H-wave from release page. The latest version is also available from github repository by the following command:

$ git clone

H-wave is installed using pip. After obtaining and expanding the source archive, type the following commands. The required libraries will also be installed.

$ cd ./H-wave
$ pip install .

How to run

First, you need to prepare input files: a parameter file in TOML format that specifies the calculation conditions and the location of input and output files, and files for the definition of the Hamiltonian.
Then, type the following command in the directory in which the input files are located:

$ hwave input.toml

After the calculation is carried out, the results will be written in the output directory.

Further information will be available on the manual.